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Theatre on The Row Design

Why Theatre on The Row?

There’s something life-affirming about the experience of a live event. When we laugh, cry or are rapt in another world as part of an audience, we feel a human bond. And this last year has shown us all how important that connection is.

Friends of The Theatre on the Row wants to safeguard these experiences for the community of Lane End, whatever the world may throw at us.

This is why we’d like to create an open-air stage for Lane End on a little-used corner of the Playing Fields. It would add to the facilities already there and be a place for schools, community groups and individuals to use, as long as the activities didn’t cause a disturbance to anyone.

Thanks to everyone who supported our first fundraising event - Lane End Live!

The Latest News

It’s nearly a year since our amazingly successful big fundraising event, “Lane End Live!”. You might be thinking that not much has happened since then, but behind the scenes there has been a lot going on. This last year has been a busy one for the Theatre On The Row project. Most importantly, we applied for and obtained charitable status, so we are now formally “Friends of The Theatre On the Row”. We’ve also had fact-finding visits to existing open air theatres (see Kath Gill’s article on out visit to the BOAT in Brighton) and are beginning to formulate more concrete ideas on the kind of performance space that would work for our community here in Lane End. 

The past year has been one which has solidified our belief that open air spaces are essential for encouraging the performance arts in this village. The Lane End Players, our wonderful local theatre group have had some great successes with outdoor performances such as “Darling Buds of May”, the Christmas in the Village Nativity play, performances at Higginson Park, the Village Fete and so on. The LESA open air Jubilee music event was extremely well-attended. Yet, sadly, some indoor events have had to be cancelled due to COVID or have seen lower audience figures than expected. Outdoors is the way forward!

This summer we thought that having demonstrated how a big event like “Lane End Live!” could work, we’d go to the opposite end of the scale and give local residents a taste of the smaller, more intimate events that an open air space could be used for. So we decided to focus on the smallest members of our community with our story-telling sessions for children, “Once Upon a Summertime.” The first of these will take place on 17th August with the support of The Lane End Youth and Community Centre – details below!

We hope you like our new logo – created for us by award-winning designer Tara-Lee Hollander. It’s just the beginning of a whole new phase as we push onwards and upwards – watch this space!


Visit to Brighton Open Air Theatre

The Friends of Theatre On The Row recently visited the Brighton Open Air Theatre (BOAT) to see how this amazingly successful outdoor performance space works and pick up some advice for our Lane End project.


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Follow us for all the latest details about Lane End Live! plus future plans



We are a not for profit organisation currently applying for charitable status. We are grateful for the support of the Lane End Parish Council, the Lane End Sports Association and the Lane End Players.



07875 972867


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